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Alumni student Ananda has a real passion for the hospitality industry


    Back in 2018, Ananda Paiva was named WA International Student of the Year at the WA Training Awards(opens in a new tab). She was recognised for her efforts in completing a SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at North Metropolitan TAFE and for her transition into the Perth hospitality industry. Let’s take you through Ananda’s journey to get there and what she’s been up to since.

    Ananda’s student journey

    Originally from São Paulo in Brazil, Ananda was initially drawn to the quality of life that Western Australia (WA) could offer.

    “São Paulo is a beautiful but big and busy city and I was after a change. I was very sure for some reason that I was going to Australia but I wasn’t sure where. After a little research, I decided to go to WA. I was drawn to the beaches, green spaces and the quality of life; the feeling of being in a smaller city with the quality of life of a bigger one was key.”

    Choosing TAFE International Western Australia

    When Ananda got to WA, she enrolled in the SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery with TIWA.

    “Studying at TAFE opened so many doors for me. It gave me all of the knowledge and preparation that I needed to be able to do what I do now.”

    Ananda particularly benefited from the practical approach to teaching that TAFE offers.

    “I would say that 90 per cent of the time we would be in the kitchen, applying and practising everything that we have learned in class. There is no better way of learning than when you do things yourself, and that was what my lectures at TAFE provided to me. They passed on to me all their knowledge. This let me, and all the other students, practise it in the kitchen while being under their supervision.”

    For Ananda, being able to learn these skills in a practical setting meant that she was confident enough to find work in hospitality during and after her studies.

    “I got a job in hospitality while studying, so when I finished my studies I not only had a certificate but I also had experience.”

    Building a career after graduating

    After completing her course, Ananda began working as a chef at a renowned Perth bar. She has since moved on to a position as a food store manager. Even in this role, Ananda finds her studies very useful.

    “I’m working as a food store manager and applying what I have learnt during my time at TAFE every day.”

    Ananda is still enjoying life in WA and doesn’t plan on leaving Perth any time soon. While she is keen to further her career within the hospitality industry in the future, she is focusing on her current role for the time being. From there, she is looking forward to all the possibilities the future may hold.

    Advice for future students

    Ananda has a real passion for the hospitality industry, and she encourages future international students to pursue their hospitality dreams as well. As Ananda explains, working in hospitality can help you grow in many different ways.

    “Working in the hospitality industry allows you to build strong connections with other individuals and cultures, which cultivates new growth and a better understanding of your own future goals.”

    She also reminds students that while commercial cookery can be a challenging field, it’s also a very rewarding one.

    “Just do it – but before you do, ask yourself how much you love being in the kitchen. Working in hospitality can be challenging especially if you work in a busy place, but in my case, there's no better feeling for me than to cook something special for someone I don't even know.”

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    Last updated on August 24, 2023