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Pursuing his music dreams at NM TAFE: George Kaewniyom


    If you’re dreaming of a change of career and a change of scenery, TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) might be just what you’re looking for! 

    Located in the sunny, laid-back city of Perth and offering a wide variety of fantastic courses, it’s no wonder that TIWA is a popular choice for international students. 

    Farook (George) Kaewniyom is one such student. George moved from Thailand to Perth to follow his passion by studying for a CUA50820 Diploma of Music [Sound Production], and he now hopes to encourage other students around the world to do the same.

    We spoke to George to find out more about his overseas study adventure with TIWA. 

    Pursuing dreams in Australia

    George worked as a chemical engineer in Thailand for three years before realising this was not the career for him. It was making music that he dreamt about - his true calling.

    One of his friends in Thailand planned on making a move to Brisbane and invited him to come along. While Australia felt like the perfect place to realise his dream, George felt that Brisbane wasn’t right for him.

    “I lived in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, which is very big, so I knew what it was like. I didn’t want to live in another big city,” George says. 

    Perth’s relaxed atmosphere appealed to him, so he decided to move there instead.

    George explains the time zone and great weather were other reasons he chose Perth. The time difference between Perth and Thailand is only one hour, which makes it easy for him to speak to his friends back home, and the city’s temperate climate was more attractive to him than the extreme temperatures experienced by other Australian cities.

    Music at TIWA

    Student Farook sits at his computer, smiling as he looks at the screen. Beside him sits an older gentleman, his instructor who also smiles. They sit in a classroom. Behind them is a big presentation screen.

    With practical, hands on lessons and high-quality sound equipment, George says that his experience of studying music at TIWA has more than met his expectations.  

    “As a left-handed guitarist, one of the highlights of TIWA is that they have a guitar for left-handed musicians,” George adds. “There are also four rehearsal rooms that I can book to use any time with friends, which is useful for practising in groups.” 

    Alongside the rehearsal rooms, TIWA has two recording studios. George has made good use of these and has just finished recording his first song. 

    He says the best part of his classes so far has been recording his own video. 

    “Creating YouTube content has always been a dream of mine,” he explains, “so when our lecturer let us create any genre of video for an assessment, I was excited.” 

    Future pathways

    George finishes his course in December and already plans on enrolling in the CUA60520 Advanced Diploma of Music [Sound Production] next year. In the future, he hopes to work as a sound engineer in a studio, while getting a taste of live performance by playing gigs as a singer and guitarist in his free time.

    George feels confident that his course has prepared him well for a future in music production. 

    “The classes are practical, which makes them very beneficial for my career… Also, I have found that many of my lecturers have connections with music production companies, and they know people working in the industry,” he adds.

    This ability to network has given George even more assurance in developing his career, as he’s entering an industry where future employers recognise and respect his teachers at TIWA. 

    An unmissable opportunity

    Student George (Farook). Portrait photo. He stands facing the camera. In the background, there's a line of wood guitars hanging up.

    George is so happy with his decision to study at TIWA that he wants to inspire other international students to do the same. He plans on making a YouTube channel where he will post videos chronicling his experience and offering advice.

    “I want to encourage Thai students, or all students around the world, to come study in Perth,” he says. “Life is short, so you should pursue what you really want to do. I was a chemical engineer, but knew I wanted to study music.”

    Want to see how TIWA can help you achieve your dreams? Take the first step today and check out our wide range of courses for international students. 

    Last updated on June 25, 2024